Mammals of
Mãe-da-Lua Reserve
by Hermann Redies
The criterion for inclusion of a species in the list below is that I personally saw the animal in RPPN Mãe-da-Lua or that a picture of the species was taken by a trail camera in the reserve.
For most species in the list below, there is a link to a page with more detailed information (in Portuguese).
I followed the taxonomic system of Eisenberg and Redford 1999, with a few minor deviations.
Please respect my copyright.
Didelphidae Xenarthra
Tamandua tetradactyla
- Southern Tamandua
Chiroptera Primates
Callitrichidae Cebidae Carnivora
Canidae Procyonidae
Procyon cancrivorus
- Crab-eating Raccoon
Conepatus semistriatus
- Hog-nosed Skunk
Artiodactyla Tayassuidae Cervidae Rodentia
Muridae Caviidae Echimyidae
Trichomys aperoides
- Spiny Rat